Episodes tagged: conservation

Unpacking the Phillips Packing Plant with Katie Parks White and the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy

Episode —  № 92

October 22, 2018

Guest: Katie Parks White

Preserving Cultural Landscapes with Dr. John Sprinkle and the National Park Service’s Park History Program

Episode —  № 91

October 15, 2018

Guest: Dr. John Sprinkle

Down in the Shenandoah Valley with Kristie Kendall and the Piedmont Environmental Council

Episode —  № 89

October 1, 2018

Guest: Kristie Kendall

America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places

Episode —  № 78

July 2, 2018

Guest: Meagan Baco, Nick Redding

Kristen Harbeson and the Environmental Side of Preservation

Episode —  № 75

June 11, 2018

Guest: Kristen Harbeson

Dennis Frye and the History We Think We Know

Episode —  № 74

June 4, 2018

Guest: Dennis Frye

Jim Lighthizer and the Civil War Trust

Episode —  № 48

December 4, 2017

Guest: Jim Lighthizer

Mary Anthony and the 1772 Foundation

Episode —  № 45

November 13, 2017

Guest: Mary Anthony

Primitive Technology and the Food of the Future

Episode —  № 44

November 6, 2017

Guest: Dr. Bill Schindler

Building Information Modeling at George Washington’s Mount Vernon

Episode —  № 38

September 25, 2017

Guest: Tom Reinhart